Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Epicosity Day!

Today we had epicosity day! Epicosity means no homework. We have that day once every six weeks. If only we had it once every two weeks. That would be WAY better. Only about three more weeks till winter break! I am so excited. The school year is already almost halfway over!!!!! It definitely has flown by SO SUPER quickly. Anyway back to the no homework day... it was great, except that I have three tests in english next week, and I think two math tests next week too.(I wanted to play tennis with my brother today but he didn't want to:(.) And for drama we have a thing called Middle School Musical it is like High School Musical, but in Middle School. We pick a song and make up a dance for it. My group is doing the hand jive from Greece! I have a bunch of dancers in my group so our dance is absolute PUUUUURRRFFFFFECT! I perform next not next Monday, but the Monday after that Monday. Ha if that makes any since, sorry. I better go because I have cheer practice at 6:30 tomorrow MORNING!!!! AHHHH!!:) Oh ya, forgot to tell ya... Friday I have a winter cheer party at my house. Can't wait! Bye! Have A GREAT rest of the week. Two more days till the weekend!!!!